Recent Conference Presentations & Workshops
Transitioning from W Courses to WAC in the “Age of Austerity.” International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Virtual Session, June 2023.
The WPA’s Dilemma: Responding to Institutional Betrayal from Within. Conference on College Composition and Communication, OnDemand Virtual Session, February 2023.
Improving Assessment in the Academy: Engaging More Voices, Broadening the Conversation. Assessment Institute, Oct. 2022. Panel with Kate Drezek McConnell (AAC&U), Franz Reneau, Mark Nicholos, and Bethany Miller.
Preparedness, Process, and the Ecology of Rubrics. Conference on College Composition and Communication., OnDemand Virtual Session, March 2022.
National Writing Rubrics & the Authoring of Error. National Conference for Teachers of English. OnDemand Virtual Session, Nov. 2021
Designing a Rubric for Student Writing in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. (with Brandy Rocheleau & Jennifer Christman. Ball State Assurance of Learning Day. April 2021.
Adapting the VALUE Written Communication Rubric. LEAP Indiana. March 2021.
Episode 18: Pedagogue. Podcast Guest. March 2020.
Mapping Power Relations through Institutional Ethnography and Genre Studies. Ethnographies of Academic Writing: Research and Pedagogy. Zaragoza, Spain. May 2019.
Learning to Rubric: The Development of a Programmatic Rubric at a Small Liberal Arts College. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MO. March 2018.
Writing Across the Curriculum, 4-part series. Office of Strategic Engagement. Fall 2018.
Creating Meaningful Programmatic Assessment with the AAC&U VALUES Rubrics. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR. March 2017.
Students in Boxes: WAC Rubrics and Racism. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Ann Arbor, MI. June 2016.
Interdisciplinary Writing Assessment: Rubrics and Norming Across the Curriculum. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.
From Analysis to Game Design in the English Classroom. CUNY Games Festival. New York, NY. January 2015.
The WPA’s Dilemma: Responding to Institutional Betrayal from Within. Conference on College Composition and Communication, OnDemand Virtual Session, February 2023.
Improving Assessment in the Academy: Engaging More Voices, Broadening the Conversation. Assessment Institute, Oct. 2022. Panel with Kate Drezek McConnell (AAC&U), Franz Reneau, Mark Nicholos, and Bethany Miller.
Preparedness, Process, and the Ecology of Rubrics. Conference on College Composition and Communication., OnDemand Virtual Session, March 2022.
National Writing Rubrics & the Authoring of Error. National Conference for Teachers of English. OnDemand Virtual Session, Nov. 2021
Designing a Rubric for Student Writing in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. (with Brandy Rocheleau & Jennifer Christman. Ball State Assurance of Learning Day. April 2021.
Adapting the VALUE Written Communication Rubric. LEAP Indiana. March 2021.
Episode 18: Pedagogue. Podcast Guest. March 2020.
Mapping Power Relations through Institutional Ethnography and Genre Studies. Ethnographies of Academic Writing: Research and Pedagogy. Zaragoza, Spain. May 2019.
Learning to Rubric: The Development of a Programmatic Rubric at a Small Liberal Arts College. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MO. March 2018.
Writing Across the Curriculum, 4-part series. Office of Strategic Engagement. Fall 2018.
Creating Meaningful Programmatic Assessment with the AAC&U VALUES Rubrics. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR. March 2017.
Students in Boxes: WAC Rubrics and Racism. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Ann Arbor, MI. June 2016.
Interdisciplinary Writing Assessment: Rubrics and Norming Across the Curriculum. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 2015.
From Analysis to Game Design in the English Classroom. CUNY Games Festival. New York, NY. January 2015.