I take an epistemic view of composition as creation of knowledge. I am fascinated by how writing does work in the world and people's lives. The image for "composition" on my home page is a photo I took of an art piece called "Chalkboard" by Christian Marclay from an exhibit I saw at MACBA in Barcelona. I love spontaneous acts of writing.
The image above was a scribbled note I found in the many things my father saved in his basement. It's his notes on teaching first-year composition (FYC) and captures perfectly that historical moment. The second part of Composition refers to the discipline of teaching writing. As Weiser (2002) said: "Teaching first-year composition is not simply something anyone can do; it requires disciplinary knowledge and support, and one way to get both that knowledge and support is to work with an experienced teacher/scholar" (p. 44). I aim to add to this knowledge in both my scholarship and my teaching.
The image above was a scribbled note I found in the many things my father saved in his basement. It's his notes on teaching first-year composition (FYC) and captures perfectly that historical moment. The second part of Composition refers to the discipline of teaching writing. As Weiser (2002) said: "Teaching first-year composition is not simply something anyone can do; it requires disciplinary knowledge and support, and one way to get both that knowledge and support is to work with an experienced teacher/scholar" (p. 44). I aim to add to this knowledge in both my scholarship and my teaching.
Resources for Designing First-Year Writing Courses
Video & Canvas Model for Online & Hyflex Teaching Fall 2020 (with Zach Dwyer)
5-Part Video Series on Planning an ENG 103 First-Year Writing Class
Related Courses & Assignments
Assignments I've designed for first-year composition courses
103: Rhetoric & Writing
104: Composing Research
Misc. FYC
Ball State Spring S21, S17: ENG 210: Introduction to Rhetoric & Writing
S17: Immersive Learning Project: Facing Teen Dating Violence
Ball State Spring S23: ENG 699: Contemporary Composition

eng_699_s23.pdf |