Often the very word "assessment" evokes glazed over looks or rolled eyes. When colleagues discover that I study assessment they assume that I enjoy conducting assessments. Rather, I find assessment a highly problematic practice; it interests me for the important role it plays in systems of power within the institution of higher education. I recently published an institutional ethnography of the AAC&U's VALUE rubric for Written Communication. In this book, I look at rubrics as a genre of power that defines the work of writing instruction for both internal and external stakeholders. While I focus on large-scale and programmatic assessment, I have also studied teacher response.
My work on assessment often results in workshops, trainings, or collaborations with others in addition to formal scholarship. For example, I've lead workshops on using and creating rubrics that challenges others to recognize the constraints and possibilities of the genre rather than assume that they should be the default means of assessment.
My work on assessment often results in workshops, trainings, or collaborations with others in addition to formal scholarship. For example, I've lead workshops on using and creating rubrics that challenges others to recognize the constraints and possibilities of the genre rather than assume that they should be the default means of assessment. Publications
Grouling, J. (2023, Jan-Feb). Better faculty relations through assessment. Assessment Update 35(1), 7,12-13.
Grouling, J. (2022). Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
Grouling, J. (2017). The path to competency-based certification: A look at the LEAP Challenge and the VALUE Rubric for Written Communication. Journal of Writing Assessment, 10(1).
Grouling, J. (2018) The genre of teacher comments from hard-copy to iPad. Journal of Response to Writing, 4(1).
Grouling, J. (2023, Jan-Feb). Better faculty relations through assessment. Assessment Update 35(1), 7,12-13.
Grouling, J. (2022). Adapting VALUEs: Tracing the Life of a Rubric through Institutional Ethnography. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
Grouling, J. (2017). The path to competency-based certification: A look at the LEAP Challenge and the VALUE Rubric for Written Communication. Journal of Writing Assessment, 10(1).
Grouling, J. (2018) The genre of teacher comments from hard-copy to iPad. Journal of Response to Writing, 4(1).
Related Workshops
Assessing Writing Across the Core. Ball State Assurance of Learning Day. March 2022.
Adapting the VALUE Written Communication Rubric. LEAP Indiana. March 2021.
Episode 18: Pedagogue. Podcast Guest. March 2020.
From my YouTube Channel
Video on Feedback
Video on Contract Grading in Canvas
Video on Making Writing Rubrics
Assessing Writing Across the Core. Ball State Assurance of Learning Day. March 2022.
Adapting the VALUE Written Communication Rubric. LEAP Indiana. March 2021.
Episode 18: Pedagogue. Podcast Guest. March 2020.
From my YouTube Channel
Video on Feedback
Video on Contract Grading in Canvas
Video on Making Writing Rubrics
Related Courses & Assignments
Ball State Summer 2015: ENG 690: Special Topics--Writing Assessment

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